Our Polo Academy
Available June - October
The Oak Brook Polo Academy was created to teach people how to play polo from the ground up. Our step by step process is a proven method to get you comfortable with your equine partner and out on the field playing polo. Whether you want to just take lessons or you are dreaming of participating in the big leagues, we are here to help.

The Steps
Intro to Polo Lesson or Clinic
Our Intro to Polo Lessons are the perfect way to dip your toes in the water! Try polo without the commitment. This is a great way for you to visit our facility, meet the staff and get up on a polo horse!
Private Lesson Details:
Duration : 45minutes to 1 hour
Cost: $250
Group Cost: $200/person
Clinic Details:
Duration: 3 hours
Cost: $175/person
Lesson Packages
For those who are brand new to riding, we recommend starting with a private lesson package. Here you can develop your polo seat and work on perfecting your swing.
Polo Immersion Package
4 Private Lessons for $800
8 Private Lessons for $1,200
Custom Polo Package - Price may Vary
Discuss your goals with one of our instructors. Combine private polo lessons, basic riding lessons and group lessons to advance your polo.
The Polo Academy
Our Polo Academy classes are run 3 times a week. In these group classes we will focus on horsemanship, swing mechanics and fundamentals, strategy, teamwork as well as common fouls and penalty shots. You have the option to purchase an Academy Monthly Membership or Pay as You Go. Each participant is allowed 2 memberships before potentially moving on to our Coaching League.
Monthly Membership Price: $1,500
Unlimited Polo School Classes
2 Private Lessons
Pay as You Go Option - $300/class
In association with the
Oak Brook Polo Club